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Meet The Team & Get To Know Our Story!

florida cash home buyers team fun day at escape room in 2017
FCHB Team – Escape Room Fun Day, 2017!

Our Story – From Yoga to Buying Houses

Click Here to Skip Our Boring Story & Meet The Team Now 🙂

So how did it all start?

Gabe here, co-founder of FL Cash Home Buyers, LLC. I first met my business partner, Omer, back in 2012 at Yogi Hari’s Ashram in Miramar. My wife and I were searching for Yoga classes online and found an Ashram in Miramar that offered them. An Ashram is a spiritual center where people can practice Yoga & Meditation and even live there to pursue their spiritual aspirations. 

Ashrams are very common in India, but you don’t come across them too often here in the U.S. We had wanted to go to India and experience what it’d be like to live in one for a few weeks, so we were very happy to find one just a few miles away from where we lived & decided to go to a class that same day! 

When we arrived, no one was there except a man fixing a car outside (guess who that was?). Yup – That’s how Omer looked like when we first met 🙂

We asked him if he knew what was happening with the Yoga class. He told us he was supposed to teach the class, but it was canceled. He gave us his business card and told us if we wanted to come back for the next class to call him and to confirm the class was still on. 

When I looked at his card I saw these words in big bold letters “Real Estate Solutions”. What a coincidence I thought! I never met anyone who was into Yoga & Real Estate! I let him know I was a Real Estate investor as well and we instantly clicked. We continued to stay in touch and eventually started to collaborate on some joint venture deals. Over time we developed a great working relationship and an even better friendship! 

Why did we decide to partner up?

I really enjoyed working with Omer and always thought it would be much more fulfilling to build a home buying company in FL with a friend vs. by myself. The cool thing was that both Freedom & Happiness were our primary drivers. We were also aligned in the sense that we wanted to make sure we always donated a portion of our profits to charity. We both felt that Real Estate would be a great path for us to create the lives we wanted and to give back to the community.

Fast fwd, and in late 2014 we formed FL Cash Home Buyers, LLC. Since then we’ve purchased hundreds of homes, but what we’re more proud of are the charities we’ve supported, the amazing team we’ve built, and the fun we have while buying and selling houses! 

Thank you for your trust & taking the time to read our story! We hope to hear from you soon 🙂 

Our Promise To You

As you can probably guess, we believe in the law of Karma 🙂 We know that if we want to experience good in life for ourselves and our loved ones, we must THINK good and BE good to others! That’s why we make sure to run our business in a moral and ethical way. What this means for you is that you can rest assured we truly want to help, and we will not try to take advantage of you in any way!

We are here to support you and be of service. Even if selling your home is not something you’d like to do, please feel free to reach out and we’ll be more than happy to offer our guidance to your real estate situation!

The FL Cash Home Buyers Team

Florida cash home buyers quarterly meeting on zoom
FCHB Virtual Quarterly Meeting – July 2021!

Omer Reiner

Owner / COO – The Marketing Guy

Omer Intro

  • Favorite Quote –“Health is the greatest wealth. Peace of mind is the greatest happiness. Yoga can show you the way to both!”– Yogi Hari
  • Favorite Areas of Florida – Yogi Hari’s Ashram (Miramar), Boca Raton Beaches, Flamingo Gardens (Davie), Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens
  • Passions – Family, Helping Others be Happy, Yoga, Meditation, Indian Classical Music, Real Estate.
  • Life Motto – Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You.

I was born in 1981 and raised in Israel. After I finished the Army, I traveled to Southeast Asia & India, and in 2005, I ended up in Miramar, FL, for a Yoga Teacher’s Training Program. I became an Advanced Yoga Teacher and continued to live and immerse myself in the spiritual practice of Yoga and Meditation for almost 6 years at Yogi Hari’s Ashram.

In February 2011, I became a licensed Realtor as I was very much drawn to Real Estate Investing. What attracted me to Real Estate was mainly the opportunity to be able to support my family while helping people in different situations improve their condition.

Later in 2011 I purchased my first property and in 2014 I partnered up with my friend, Gabriel Garcia, and we formed FL Cash Home Buyers, LLC. I love what I do and I am humbled and grateful for the opportunities we come across every day to be able to help Florida Home Owners while supporting our families, friends, and community!

I’m fortunate to have been featured on over 30 articles and blogs related to real estate and business. You can see some of them here. You can connect with me on LinkedIn or just email me at:

Gabriel Garcia

Owner / CEO – The Vision Guy

Gabriel Intro

  • Favorite Quote – “Love is not a matter of belief. It is a matter of demonstration. It is not a question of authority, but one of perception and action. Therefore, if you desire love, try to realize that the only way to get love is by giving love. That the more you give, the more you get; and the only way in which you can give love is to fill yourself with it until you become a magnet of love”
  • Favorite Areas of Florida – Private Beach at the B-Ocean Resort in Fort Lauderdale
  • Passions –Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, & Personal Development
  • Life Motto – Set your sights on God, and everything else will fall into place.

I consider myself a very simple guy. Give me my bulletproof coffee, a good book to read, some good music, a journal, and I am in pure joy. 

I’m married to Carolyn who I’ve been with for over a decade now! We have 2 beautiful children, Gabriel Jr. & Pax. 

I love go to to the beach, do yoga, study about health & longevity, be with my family, and travel! 

As the CEO of FL Cash Home Buyers, I love creating a company where the people truly enjoy their work & the time spent with their peers. I get a lot of joy and satisfaction knowing we have an extended family here. 

I enjoy creating processes and seeing the team bring those processes to life! I also enjoy to consistently look for new ways to improve our processes and make small tweaks to them over time. Yes, I’m a nerd 🙂

  • Favorite Quote – “Well done is better than well said!”
  • Favorite Areas of Florida – South Pointe.
  • Passions – Family, and helping others.
  • Life Motto – Follow your gut.

I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico and raised in South Florida.  

My educational background in broadcasting and communications, allowed me the privilege of working with and for some of South Florida’s top radio stations for several years.

Although it was an exciting career path, ultimately my passion and desires aligned more with a career in real estate. 

I was fortunate enough to meet the team at FCHB and found a home where I can continue to craft my real estate skills and build a foundation for my future. 

When I am not at work, spending time with my lovely wife and son is what makes my world spin. We love fine dining restaurants and all things nature. 

  • Favorite Quote – “Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life”
  • Favorite Areas of Florida – Under the Venetian Causeway Bridge Downtown Miami
  • Passions – Filmmaking, Entrepreneurship, Personal Development, Traveling, Sports
  • Life Motto – Don’t stop believing.

Hey there, I’m Jose! Life for me is about experiences and challenges. Embracing the unknown, and stepping out of my comfort zone. It’s through these encounters that I learn the most about myself and the world around me. Each day presents a new opportunity for growth and discovery and I’m firmly committed to making the most of it.

Whether it’s exploring a new subject, unraveling a complex challenge, or acquiring fresh skills, I’m captivated by the idea of expanding my horizons. I believe that our journey in life is enriched by the knowledge we gain, and I’m always ready to embark on this adventure.

I’m also deeply passionate about helping others as well. The good vibes we radiate have the power to uplift those around us and create a ripple effect of happiness and empowerment!

Kevin Mora

Our Selling Coordinator

Kevin Intro

  • Favorite Quote – The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”
  • Favorite Areas of Florida – Blue Springs State Park.
  • Passions – Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, Sports & Travel.
  • Life Motto – Everything is going to be alright.

I was born in Venezuela and came to the US at the age of 4. All throughout my childhood, my parents instilled in me the idea of hard work and passion, which led me to a relatively successful career in baseball that taught me the importance of working well with others, hard work, and the dedication needed to be successful in anything you do. 

Since leaving college I tried many different career paths, all of which have led me to find my true passion which is positively impacting the lives of those around me. The reason I love working for a company like FCHB is because of our team morals, we are constantly looking for ways to help others, whether that be in purchasing their home or doing team charity events, we are always looking for ways to help those in need!

As the Selling Coordinator, I have the amazing pleasure of working very closely with all of our sellers. As you get to know me and the rest of the team, you will soon come to find out that we are all on a mission to positively impact the lives of those around us. I’m looking forward to working with you! 🙂

Alejandro Alfonso

Our Assistant Selling Coordinator

Alejandro Intro

  • Favorite Quote – I could either watch it happen or be a part of it.”
  • Favorite Areas of Florida – Riverwalk Fort Lauderdale.
  • Passions – Basketball, Exercise & Real Estate.
  • Life Motto – Every day is a second chance.

I was born in Cuba and moved to the states when I was only 14 years old, at the start of my high school years. After I graduated from High School, I decided to begin traveling the country to find out how different people live around the nation and learn new outlooks in life. My biggest takeaway from traveling the nation was the ability to grow my social and communication skills as an effect of meeting so many amazing, new faces along the way.

From a young age, I’ve always gravitated to healthy eating habits and exercise which over the years showed me my passion for playing basketball. Growing up I always prioritized playing basketball, whether that was in a league or with my friends. I always made time for it because this sport taught me that if you train hard and are disciplined, the results always pay off in the end.

It wasn’t until recent years that I discovered my passion for Real Estate. I started my career in the Real Estate field at FCHB to be able to help people who needed a solution with selling properties. I love what I do, and I am looking forward to possibly working with you 🙂

Linet Intro

  • Favorite Quote – “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I’m out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.” – Marilyn Monroe
  • Favorite Areas of Florida – Disney, Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, Key West Beaches, Mount Dora, Amelia Island.
  • Passions – Family, My Kids, Husband, Friendship, Traveling, Cooking.
  • Life Motto – I work really hard, and PLAY even harder!

A lifetime member of the “Cando” Club. Growing up in a multi-cultural family and city I learned at an early age to navigate all different situations, circumstances, and people, to become self-sufficient.

I have a passion to grow and learn as much as I can to successfully open doors and unleash my full potential. My amazing personality and several years of customer services, product development, and management experience allow me to perform as a dynamic asset to FL Cash Home Buyers, LLC!

Tsahai profile picture

  • Favorite Quote – Make your life a Masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do”. – Brian Tracy
  • Favorite Areas of Florida – Fort Lauderdale
  • Passions – Family, Youths, Clean Fun, Gospel Music
  • Life Motto – If I can help somebody as I travel along life’s way then my living will not be in vain.

I was born in December 1979 and raised in Jamaica. I am the eldest of six (6) siblings. I earned an MBA in Human Resource Management, from The University Wales and a B.Sc. in Management Studies, from the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica.

I have been actively involved in community development programs and have a role of “Youth Minister”. I’m a passionate reader, occasional writer and have a keen eye for detail. I am married to Carl Williamson and together we have a daughter Abishai, and a son Taèshaun.

In August 2015, I started working with Florida Cash Home Buyers LLC. I am presently assigned to the Marketing Department and I love my job. I enjoy what I do and from the many experiences I have on a daily basis, this has helped me become a better person.

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